Monday, November 16, 2009

Issinryu history

Isshinryu karate was founded by Grand Master Tatsuo Shimabuku in early 1954 in the Okinawa
island.He modified both the old classic styles of Shorin-ryu and Goju-ryu and made the best
of both.Shorin-ryu is famous for its fastness and power, Goju-ryu for its firm breathing
movements.So the best combination of these is Isshinryu, that helped the weaponless
Okinawans to endure the rein of Chinese empire and to defeat the sword-wielding Samurai of

Isshinryu aim is to master oneself in physical and mental growth.Its students acquire body
fitness, self defence, self-confidence, concentration, and mental strength.
So Isshinryu is a way to better one's life, not an art of violence.
Advantages of Isshinryu over other styles:
Isshinryu is special for its close techniques which are more advatageous in street fights.
Most stances in it are natural stances avoiding the waste of motion, maintaining stabiliy
and perfect balance and providing split-second advantages over other styles.
Isshinryu uses snap style which helps you to move qickly, deliver more punches or kicks.
The straight punch rather than corkscrew is specially seen in Isshinryu. Five Isshinryu
punches can be delivere in a time of one corkscrew punch.

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